Kunst Allmend (ArtCommons)

Research Project & Performance
Dampfzentrale Bern, 2014
Bern Biennale,  2014
Buda, Kortrijk, 2015

No one is an artist; everyone is art!

Throughout the whole of 2014, Galeazzi invited a group of international artists to create a “commons” based on artistic research and practices. At the Dampfzentrale Bern, he organized several residencies and workshops that led to a three day live-in as a public event: “Die KunstAllmend (The ArtsCommons).“

Inspiration was drawn from the rules of the 600-year-old “Bergschaft Holzmatt,” a traditional commons in the Swiss Alps described in Eleonore Ostrom’s Nobel Prize winning economic analysis of the commons. The invited artists experimented with commoning economies for the arts sector and artistic approaches to alternatives of capitalism. The site was “governed” by the idea that any activity or artistic outcome is a mere half-product, requiring completion by others. Nothing can be owned, everything has to stay in circulation; and collaboration is a primer requirement. This way artists and audience are invited to create an economic space that expands beyond the exchange of goods to a trans-individual experience. 

The KunstAllmend was shown in the frame of the BernBiennale 2014 and at “What’s the matter with Collaboration“ of the BUDA art center in Kortrijk.