7.5 Untersuchungen über das Unfertige
Performance Research, 2005-2009
with Andreas Liebmann and Beatrice Fleischlin/GASTSTUBE°
Nothing’s finish in the end!
For 4 years GASTSTUBE° went on a journey to investigate the personal, political and aesthetic appreciation of the incomplete, the erring, vulnerability, and a radical notion of open(ended)ness.
Based on the research around 7.5 performative sketches, short experiments and performance acts, a never-ending piece on the ephemeral states of life and their performance emerged. The collective GASTSTUBE° developed a pool of artistic gestures, materials, texts and acts from which they assembled their “7.5 Inverstigations into the Unfinished”.
For the Mozartjahr Wien in 2006, GASTSTUBE° devised a 7.5-hour performance presented at Sophiensaele Berlin, at Künstlerhaus Wien, at the Spektakel Zürich (Shedhalle) and TNT in Bordeaux.