Öngel – Schöner Wohnen Für Alle
Research Project
Berlin, Luzern, Los Angeles (2003-2007)
with Beatrice Fleischlin/GASTSTUBE°
As a result of some extensive research journeys to Los Angeles (2004/05), Biel (CH) and Marseilles (FR) Beatrice Fleischlin and Nicolas Y Galeazzi proposed a heap of used cardboard to their audience. It was an invitation to collaboratively craft a city made of dreams. The gently intrusive performative interventions ambiguously turned the happy construction of this cardboard city into discourses of hope and failure, favelas and castle in the air, or a dystopian future and eternity.
Over the course of several years, in various cities, and contexts this performance research project developed as an engagement with potential and current futures in emerging urban spaces.
The project was presented in Zurich (Rote Fabrik), Biel/Bienne (centre pasquard);Vienna (dietheater), Berlin (theaterdiscounter), Erlangen (Arena-Festival), Hildesheim (Transeuropa Festival) and Marseille (Scène National de Merlan).