Fair Kin Art Almanac 2023
State Of The Arts, 2023
edited by Kobe Matthys, Justine Maxelon & Nicolas Galeazzi
Published by set’margins, Einthoven (NL)
with 130 authors from the Belgium arts field
The second edition of the almanac: Together with Kobe Matthys and Justine Maxelon, we launched a second trajectory and an even broader discussion around fairness in the art field. This time, we aimed not for one big camp at one place but 12 events at different locations, organised by various groups or institutions – one event per moon for around a year. Each event was dedicated to a topic proposed by the group, covering a wide spectrum of issues concerning the people populating the art field: on politics, on making space, on education and beyond, on parenthood, on migration, on accessibility, on redistribution, on property and open source, on mutuality, on rest, on ecology, on relationality. These topics discuss the Artfield from economic, social, institutional, practical and ecological perspectives and give the reader as many inspiring tools, visionary proposals, and revealing testimonies as critical analyses to chew on.
Finally, 130 writers engaged in more than 170 texts on 440 pages.
Nicolas Galeazzi curated not only three of the chapters but co-organised several of the initial events and later public editorial events and managed the final editorial process of that book.
With this almanac at hand, we organise many different formats of workshops, panels, parades and presentations.
They took place at Monty theatre in Antwerp, at KIOSK in Ghent, at Le Vecteur (dialogue durable) in Charleroi, etc.